Are you a passionate product professional who's ready to take your career to the next level? 

Do you feel the need for change, but you're not sure where to start? 

At Sequence Partners, we understand that finding your dream career isn't just about landing a job – it's about aligning your work with your values and aspirations.

who are you sequence partners


You've been told to "grow up" and find a career, but no one taught you how to discover who you truly are. Now, you're in a product career, and while it's promising, you sense that something needs to change before it can truly become your dream career. That's where we come in.

who supports you sequence partners


Our founder, Gabrielle Hayes, has been in your shoes. She's navigated various product careers, explored different types of products and companies, and finally found her dream career. Now, she's sharing her expertise with you.

who is guiding you sequence partners


Download our FREE Career Alignment Blueprint – a set of thought-provoking questions designed to help you:

 - Uncover your core values and beliefs.
 - Identify your career goals and aspirations.
 - Pinpoint areas for growth and change in your current role.
 - Create a roadmap to align your career with your authentic self.

    gabrielle hayes sequence partners founder

    Don't miss this opportunity to take the first step toward your dream product career. 

    Complete step one to receive a prioritized list of your ideal environments, roles, and companies that align with your values and passions. This roadmap empowers you to make informed decisions for your product career path.


    You can take my word for it, but I'd rather let my clients do the talking.

    Do you have questions about the Career Authenticity Blueprint?

    Ask me anything, I'd be happy to answer your questions!

    Privacy Policy - By downloading this Career Alignment Template, you'll also join our community of product professionals who are committed to career growth and authenticity. You can unsubscribe at any time. We are all about alignment after all!